Daily Archives: October 23, 2014

Chapter 1.3

Life goes on, even after nights like last night. Araceli wakes up bright and early the next morning to make some breakfast before work. No cuts this time, but I assume that’s only because eggs don’t require chopping.

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Aaaand something breaks for the first time. Araceli doesn’t really know what she’s doing. She just hits it a few times until water quits spewing out of it.

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She throws the extra parts on the edge of the lot for now because trash cans are too expensive for our liking.

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At the end of the week Araceli finally has a few days off. She immediately invites Braylon over. After talking about it for a bit they decide to move in together. They just can’t stand being apart for any longer! This is the only way they’ll get to see each other on a daily basis.

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After moving in Braylon gets a haircut and some brand new boots! I think he approves.

His traits are cheerful, perfectionist, and geek. He has the computer wiz aspiration which also gives him the quick learner trait.

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It’s harder than you’d think to get a picture of him not squinting..

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Braylon gets a job in the Tech Guru career then him and Araceli head to the library. Araceli looks up art references for work while Braylon plays Sims Forever. They really need their own computer considering Braylon’s career revolves around it, but they’re broke.

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While exploring the library Araceli found the kids section. It reminded her of her dream to have a family. She would be bringing her kids here to read and play someday.

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Braylon and Araceli love living together! No matter what they always have the other right there to talk to. They’re always so happy.

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Moving in together gives them lots of time for woohooing!

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Araceli starts feeling strange so she takes a pregnancy test.. just to be sure. Its positive! It was pretty unexpected but she’s very excited about it. She’s finally going to have the family she’s always wanted. Braylon is going to be such a great father, she thinks.

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Araceli tells Braylon to sit down because she has some big news. Once she starts explaining that she’s going to have a baby Braylon gets this nervous look on his face. He’d never really given much thought to being a father.. Especially not this soon!

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Despite how scared he is, he knows that he wants to be there for his child. He gets down on one knee (in his pajamas) and asks Araceli to marry him.

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She quickly says yes and almost cries at how beautiful the ring is! How did she get so lucky?

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With a baby on the way money is needed more than ever. Araceli spends her time painting for money.

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The father to be does his part too. He digs up and sells fossils. Being a geek he enjoys collecting things.

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He also found this cool figurine! How did that get in the ground?

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He even does some fishing for a little extra money. He’s not very good at it and only catches one fish but it’s something.

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Araceli is having trouble adjusting to the cons of being pregnant.. like needing to pee every five minutes.

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Braylon does everything he can to make his pregnant fiance comfortable and happy. That includes doing the dishes every day. How sweet!

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Araceli and Braylon are proud to announce that they finally have some walls! Their unborn child won’t have to live outside. I think they’re both pretty relieved. Especially Bray, being the perfectionist he is. Everything has to be perfect for his little one!

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They couldn’t afford siding for the outside but it’s still a lot nicer than living outside.

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I’m going to end this part here. Thank you for reading!

Chapter 1.2

We start this post off with Araceli heading to the library because her almost empty plot is incredibly boring. I mean, what kind of a sim doesn’t own a TV? Probably the kind of sim that doesn’t have walls either. Anyways, Araceli remembered Braylon saying he was really into video games and a bit of a geek.  She figures if she’s going to be seeing him she might as well show interest in his hobbies. She thought they were moderately fun, but I can bet you money she isn’t as good at them as him.

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After a few long days of work and a little collecting Araceli could finally afford that easel she’s been wanting so badly.

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She was quite proud of her first few creations. I must admit I was pretty proud too when I saw that she painted the freezer bunny! Now if only we had some walls to hang those paintings on.. Oh well, we need the money anyways so we’ll sell them.

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Between work and painting Araceli hardly had the time to see Braylon. Poor Braylon always showed up while she was away at work. 😦

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The times that they did hang out Araceli was always painting. She felt sort of bad for neglecting him but Braylon reassured her that he was perfectly fine with it. Even if he didn’t have her full attention all the time he really enjoyed just sitting there talking to her until late in the evening. They could be having the worst days, but they were both very cheerful sims and always made each other feel better.

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As much as Araceli would have liked to spend all her days with Braylon she had work to get done and money to make. She was actually starting to create some paintings that brought in decent money!
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With the money she was making from her paintings Araceli decided to buy a stove and a counter so she could make REAL food. No more cereal for every meal. She was excited to almost have an actual kitchen!

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For her first real meal she chopped up some veggies and tossed a salad. Chopping veggies is very dangerous and painful. Don’t try it at home!

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The next day at work Araceli’s boss noticed how hard she’d been working and gave her a promotion! Araceli wanted to do something special to “celebrate” so she called and invited Braylon over. Apparently he knew what she meant by “celebrate” and came running. Yes, he actually ran. Men.

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They woohooed for the first time.

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It made Araceli realize that she was getting some serious feelings for Braylon. She nervously asked him to be her boyfriend. Of course he said yes. I don’t think either of them could picture themselves with anyone else.

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I hope you guys enjoyed this post! I think I’m starting to get the hang of this blogging thing, and I’m really enjoying it. Please leave comments telling me what you think. I love all feedback. See you next time!